Background block

Background block allows you combining various elements into the logic blocks.
Background block

Easily configure these the parameters:

Background color — allows you customizing the background of the block by selecting the appropriate option from the list: disable background color or set fill color.

Border style. You can choose from one of three border styles: dotted, dashed or solid.

Border color — allows you customizing the border color of the block by selecting the appropriate option from the list: disable or set fill color.

How to put elements into background block.

  1. Create a background block.
  2. Choose various shape or text block.
  3. Drag and drop it to the background.
  4. Now you can move the background along with the shapes that were placed on it.

How to create elements on the Background block.

  1. Hover over Background block,
  2. Click on the    button and click on   .
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